Our scope of services will help you to increase the availability of your tissue machine. Optimizations and maintenance – on site – worldwide.
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We offer North and South American tissue manufacturers a unique and all-inclusive service package for Yankee dryers.

From our new US-based service facility we will be able to better assist our American customers. In cooperation with msquared and experienced US industry professionals we founded JAEGER Inc. with its main office in Vancouver WA. We are proud to introduce this new member of the JAEGER Group of companies.
For the first couple of years the primary goal of JAEGER Inc. is offering especially the tissue manufacturers in the American market an all-inclusive service package for Yankee cylinders. And that, with state-of-the-art equipment, unsurpassed experience and combined knowledge of JAEGER and msquared.
JAEGER – an innovative, reliable & efficient partner for the paper, board & tissue industry. Since 20 years.

In the past 20 years, JAEGER has made a name as an innovative, reliable & efficient service partner for the tissue industry. Within the previously described range of services JAEGER already has a large base of satisfied customers.
Our objective at JAEGER Inc. is to match the JAEGER GmbH success by using the same principles and quality standards. And first of all: the same technical equipment, that has been developed and proven in years of practical application worldwide.
Interested? We sincerely invite you to get a better – and personal – view of our company and range of services. We prefer to meet you in person to discuss your current and future needs and work out individual solutions for your specific requirements. Together we will find ways to increase your productivity.
And in the end – or rather at the beginning! – we will add you to our customer base and you will gain a competent partner for the future. With JAEGER, you will experience a step change in Yankee services.